Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hurricane Catholic Law

There was a eerie calmness in the library this week. Everyone seemed to be getting through the last few days with relative ease. And then it all hit at a hurricane, law school has officially arrived.

As I have mentioned previously, I thought I had a good grasp of the homework and the topics discussed. In fact I even thought that I could get all my work done before I got home. Today was a different story. Classes got harder...a lot more Socratic method and delving into the details of each case. I learned what teachers expected you to know and what they didn't. I learned that my case briefs were great...but like everyone is learning, great is not enough. I kinda am getting the feeling that even if I try my hardest to prepare for class, I will never be fully prepared...

On that note, I am going to take another look tonight over the homework I have already done, and see if there is anyway I can strengthen my case briefs and better prepare for hypotheticals that could arise in class.

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