Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Study Groups [John]

So the study groups officially have began...

As 1L by Scott Turow suggests, study groups are essential to the law school experience and it is very important to find a good group. So far, I have only one study group for my Torts class. The group is comprised of, what I feel, some of the best minds in my class. Today, we spent most of our time outlining the topics that were covered in our first tutorial. I felt that we did a great job filling in the blanks with exceptions and clarifications of the rules and principles. We will be meeting every week for the next 12 weeks to review and outline the topics that we discussed in class.

Also, this Friday I have my first practice exam. Generally, the only grade you receive in a law class is the final exam. This stands true for all my classes except for my legal writing class--I have about 3 grades in that class. However, unlike in the past, more and more law professors are providing in-class and/or proctored practice exams that will not be graded but will be looked at and the professor will provide suggestions. I think this is an excellent addition to my doctrinal classes because it helps us gauge how much we have learned and also provides insight into what the professor expects on our final exams.

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