Tuesday, September 16, 2008

You Don't Scare Me

My contracts professor has built up quite a reputation these first 3 weeks of classes. After the near murder of the poor student last Tuesday, I see a lot of my classmates having trouble coming to grips with his rather in-your-face style of socratic method. Before class today, I overheard two girls sitting in the row behind me talking about how they were having trouble sleeping the night before contracts class because they were thinking about the seating chart and when he might get to their names. During today's discussion, he questioned (very politely I might add) another student who immediately went catatonic. After a full three minutes of awkward silence she told him that she had done the reading and prepared, but she was too nervous to function. 

I don't know why this is exactly (perhaps its just my personality), but my experience in the classroom seems to be dramatically different from most other students. I find the professor to be both amusing and challenging. I am one of the few people relaxed enough in class to recognize his incredibly dry sense of humor and get a chuckle out of his jokes. I volunteer every class because I desperately want to interact with him. I want him to know that I understand what he is saying, and I want him to challenge me (maybe I also want to let him know that he doesn't scare me). He has taken the liberty of referring to me as "Gene" instead of "Eugene" during class. Considering that I have never exchanged a word with him outside of the giant lecture hall, I suppose this might mean I have made an impression. Who knows though... maybe not. Maybe its just totally random. They do say law school is just a giant mind-f**k. I think there may be some truth to that. 

Pardon the language =).   

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